Most of us move many times throughout our entire lives. So often I hear people say “We aren’t going to live here for long so I’m not going to get too settled”. While I understand the sentiment of that, I also think it’s important to create a home you love and want to spend time in.
I’ve lived in 10+ different home – between childhood houses, dorm rooms, apartments and my current home. And I can truly say that each one of these felt like home to me.
Maybe it’s just my personality (I’m an enneagram 4 😉), but my home environment is incredibly significant to my overall happiness.
Not in the sense that I need things to be brand new, expensive or perfect. Not at all.
But in the sense that my home is my safe space – emotionally, physically, spiritually. I need my physical space to reflect that.
I do not feel safe, relaxed, productive or happy in a space that is chaotic, messy, disorganized, or just not ME.
I promise it does not take a lot of money to create a home you love. Just a little bit of time, intentionality and dedication.
We purchased our 1960s home 2.5 years ago and have made it a place we love to spend time without spending a lot of money! You can read more about that here!
The best place to start with this process is by decluttering the excess. Get rid of the things that are stopping you from loving your home.
If you don’t know where to start with decluttering, I have lots of posts to get you started!
Decluttering your home doesn’t mean you have to be a hard-core minimalist. It also doesn’t mean you have to get rid of things you love.
Decluttering your home and getting rid of the things you don’t use, love or need actually allows you to enjoy the things that you DO love even more.
I always recommend decluttering first, followed by organizing.
In my personal experience, if you try to organize a closet/cupboard/drawer that has too much in it – it never lasts.
You don’t have to have to have a walk-in Pinterest worthy Pantry in order to create a home you love. You most definitely do not need to spend a lot of money on organization to have an orderly home.
But ensuring that everything has a designated home is a game-changer!
- Declutter first. Then organize. Organized junk is still junk.
- Use what you have to organize. Shoeboxes and mismatched baskets work just as well to contain items if you’re on a budget!
- Figure out what storage containers you need before purchasing random bins! Purchase containers with specific purposes in mind.
- Measure your space for storage containers.
- Make sure family members know where items are located (especially if you moved them)
- Reevaluate often. If a closet continues to become a mess, figure out what isn’t working and change your system!
Part of creating a home you love is learning how to keep it tidy. I don’t know anyone who enjoys being in a messy home.
And I say learning because I do believe this is something that many of us have to learn! If you’re not a naturally tidy person, the good news is you can teach yourself to be!
Keeping a tidy home doesn’t mean that your home never gets messy, or that you can’t use your home for LIFE.
Our homes are meant to be lived in. They are going to get messy, likely every day!
But establishing a simple cleaning routine can make all the difference.
You can find my daily routine to keep a clean home here!
I swear by the idea of “putting your kitchen to bed”. In other words, spending 10-20 minutes every night tidying the kitchen, putting away leftovers, doing the dishes, wiping the counters, etc.
This allows me to wake up the following morning and start a new day with a clean kitchen, which basically ensures that I have a good morning!
The last step to create a home you love is to make it cozy!
This is going to look different for everyone. What feels cozy + homey to me is going to different for you!
I love applying the Scandinavian practice of Hygge in my home! Warm lights, soft textiles, yummy food all equal a cozy home for me.
Some ways to make your space feel more cozy:
- Hang artwork on the walls
- Incorporate personal photos. Whether they’re family photos, vacation shots, or wedding photos. Having your own photos throughout your home really makes the space feel like yours!
- Houseplants. I couldn’t imagine my house without houseplants! These beginner plants are perfect even if you have a black thumb.
- Soft lighting. Candles, fireplace (faux or real!), lamps, twinkle lights.
- Blankets + pillows.
I hope this encouraged you to create a home you love!