We’re living through CRAZY times and many of us are finding ourselves stuck at home. Here are my favourite things to do during quarantine other than watch TV!
Disclaimer: If you want to spend your entire time in quarantine watching TV, that’s fine. This is for those of you who, like me, notice that their mental, physical and emotional health suffer with too much screen time!
This is not about being productive to determine your worth, or staying busy to distract your mind – both of which I disagree with! But doing something productive or creative during your day helps to boost your mood and energy. Even if it’s just 1 thing a day!
Start Sourdough : I started my sourdough 5-6 months ago and it’s been so fun! All you need to make sourdough bread is flour, water and salt!
Check out this post to learn how to make your own sourdough starter.

Learn How To Cook : Whether you’re an experienced cook or brand new to cooking for yourself, take this time to experiment with some new recipes!
Go For A Walk : Getting outside and moving your body is so important when you’re stuck in the house all day! Especially now that the weather is warming up, it’s so much easier to get outside every day!
Download the “House Party” App : This is such a fun way to hang out with friends! You can play games, or just chat!
Learn A Language : Maybe you’ve always wanted to learn the language your grandparents speak, or American Sign Language. Even if you spend a few minutes a day learning a new words or phrases, you can learn a lot!
Paint A Room : If you are allowed to paint your walls, now is the perfect time! Or you could do no-stick wallpapers if you live in a rental!

Finish A Home Project : Finish up those projects that you started months ago but never fully finished!
Rearrange A Room : Rearranging is one of my favourite past-times and can really help to mix things up when you’re spending days on end in your home. Do some spring cleaning while you’re at it.
Organize A Closet / Drawer / Room : How good would it feel to end off this quarantine with a perfectly organized home?

Listen To A Podcast : Turn off the news and put on an entertaining or uplifting podcast! There are podcasts for everything from celebrity drama, to health & wellness to birth stories.
Do Home / Car Maintenance : Now’s a good time to do some regular maintenance like switching the batteries in your smoke detector, switching your furnace filter, or even changing your car oil if you know how to do that yourself! I’ve also heard of mechanics who are doing repairs while maintaining safe social distancing.
Start A Blog / Youtube Channel : If you’ve always wanted to start a blog but didn’t have the time, now is the perfect time to launch it! Even if you just work on the background or technical side of it like learning how to use your camera.

Do A Workout : This might be the last thing you feel like doing, but you’ll feel amazing once you finish! There are tons of free workouts on Youtube. One of my favourites is Yoga With Adrienne.
Unsubscribe : When everything started, I received an email from every single company I’ve ever subscribed to. It was the perfect opportunity to unsubscribe and clear out my inbox! This can also apply to the accounts you follow on social media. Unfollow accounts that you don’t enjoy or make you feel bad about yourself!
Snail Mail : Write a letter to an elderly family member who can’t receive visitors! Or even just a friend or family member you can’t see.
Train Your Hair : Have you always wished you could go more than 1-2 days without washing your hair? Now is the perfect time to deal with greasy hair while training it to go further between washings!
Detox Your Armpits : Have you wanted to switch to non-toxic deodorant but couldn’t deal with the transition period? If you don’t have to be around extra people right now, it’s the perfect time!
Grow Out Your Eyebrows : Again, such a good time to grow out your eyebrows to reshape them! I’ve been letting my eyebrows go crazy the last few weeks!
Make Breakfast In Bed : If your days are slower than normal, why not enjoy breakfast or at least coffee in bed? If you don’t believe in food in the bedroom ( @ my husband) you can still enjoy a nice breakfast at the table!
Candlelit Dinner : Put together a nice meal complete with candles and wine! Such a fun way to spend an evening with your spouse of even a roommate!
Use Up Craft Supplies : Do you have extra craft supplies taking up space in a closet? Use them up and make those crafts you never got around to!
Bake For Neighbours / Friends : I’ve been LOVING baking the last few weeks, but I know I shouldn’t eat baked goods every single day! So I’ve been loving sharing with friends & neighbours and it’s one of my favourite things to do during quarantine other than watch tv!
Organize Your Devices : Spend some time to organize your digital photos, transfer them to a hard drive or even plan to make physical prints.
Do An Online Course : You can find free or paid courses online for anything you could possibly want to learn! If you’re wanting to improve a creative skill, I love using skillshare for anything from photography, to learning how to code a website!
Start Seeds / Garden : If you live in a warm climate you could start growing things outside! Or if you live in a cold climate, like I do, you can start some seedlings in the house. It’s so fun to watch things grow! Start here if you’d like to learn how to plant your very first garden!

Grow Microgreens : If you really don’t have a green thumb, microgreens are the perfect way to still get that gardening fill! They are so simple to grow and so nutritious. These are my favourite seeds!
I hope this helped you think of things to do during quarantine other than watch tv!